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Welcome to "The Buzz"! This is our weekly blog by My Devererux-Roberts which tells you about what has happened in school this week and what we are looking forward to during the following week. It is normally published on a Friday afternoon and is one of the options on the home page of the App for quick access. If you do not have the school app then search for "School Jotter" on your provider then once downloaded take the option for Frodsham Manor House School. 

The Buzz

10th March 2023

Ian Devereux-Roberts (IDevereux-Roberts) on: The Buzz

What's in the news:

With the help of the staff and the pupils, the Governors completed the final stages of the recruitment process this week for the new Frodsham Manor House Headteacher. It is hoped that the news of the successful applicant can be shared with school families early next week. Mrs Jay and I were super proud of the school council, who deligently and seriously interviewed all five candidates and fedback to governors their opinions openly and honestly.

What's happened in school this week:

Once again Mrs Anstice was highly creative this week and took learning outside in order to re-tell the story of David and Goliath. Even the adverse weather conditions did not quell their enthusiasm!


A very cold and snowy Friday wasn't an issue for Marvel as they were nice and cosy in their PJs. They even brought their teddies into Celebration Assembly!

Nightingale Class worked exceptionally hard on Friday morning to create their own individual clay models of Skara Brae. I visited them whilst they were working and the concentration on their faces was amazing - taking so much pride in their work. 

What's made me smile in school this week:

Confession - instigated a snowball fight on Friday morning! It made me smile lots but I certainly came of the loser! Another example of doing something for the very last time here at school.

Head Teacher Awards:

Jaxon and Rueben (Parks Class) for their developing confidence in swimming.

Marnie (Parks Class) for her accuracy in her maths work.

Fearne and Aidan (Parks Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Sophie O (Parcks Class) for being a good friend to a classmate. 

Molly, Emily and Vianne (Rashford Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Jack (Rashford Class) for his super reading in guided reading.

Ellie (Parks Class) for completing her reading bookmark.

Jayvin, Aidan, Ella and Ellie (Parks Class) for their excellent maths skills.

Isaac (Rashford) for doing Mrs Anstice's job and doing it better!

Abi and James (Nightingale Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Seren, Maggie and George (Marvel Class) for completing their reading bookmarks. 

Martha (Parks Class) for being more involved in lessons.

Tilly, Amy, Emily D, Matilda and Megan (Attenborough Class) for completing their bookmarks.

Layla, Erica, Chloe and Daisy (Darwin Class) for their accuracy in solving the aresa of triangles.

Joseph (Nightingale Class) for completing his reading bookmark.

Top doodlers - Mia (Nightingale Class); Emily D (Attenborough Class); Alex (Rashford Class)

French award - Ckara (Nightingale Class)

 Our Celebration Assembly Superstars:


Lilly (Marvel Class) for her gymnastics skills; her enthusiasm for learning and for her kindness.

Alfie (Armstrong Class) for his cheeky smile; his super progress in reading and writing and for being a wondeful Nibbles. 

Ted Ba (Attenborough Class) for his kindness; for his enthusiasm and for his love of learning.

Abi (Nightingale Class) for her super school council work; her excellent literacy skills and her enthusiasm. 

Sam (Rashford Class) for his super diary writing and maths skills.

Scarlett (Parks Class) for her empathy, kindness and always trying her hardest. 

Austin (Darwin Class) for his super literacy work; super teamwork and positive attitude.

Our 'Spread the Happiness' Superstars:


The following children enjoyed a drink of hot chocolate and a biscuit, along with a chat with Mr Devereux-Roberts, as they were selected to receive the special 'Spread the Happiness' award this week:

Harrison (Marvel Class) for his amazing art skills.

Frankie (Armstrong Class) for always trying her best.

Tilly O (Attenborough Class) for making Mrs Kelly smile at breaktime showing her friendship dance. 

Samuel (Rashford Class) for always being kind and hardworking.

Ethan (Parks Class) for focussing so much more in literacy sessions.

Aysha (Darwin Class) for super effort in maths.

Happy Birthday:

In our Assembly we congratulated and signed Happy Birthday to Mrs Hughes, Mrs Deegan, Tilly F, Tom A, Nathan A, Jack L and Joshua G. If you have celebrated your birthday this week then many happy returns from us too!

Dine with a Friend Friday:

The following children, with a friend, had the opportunity to sit at the special table in the school hall to enjoy their lunch on Friday:

Kayla (Marvel Class); Harry (Armstrong Class); Ted Bl  (Attenborough Class); Holly-Jo (Nightingale Class); Jack A (Rashford Class); Elliot H (Parks Class) and Jospeh W-E (Darwin Class).

Winning House Team:

The winning team this week was Thirlmere - congratulations to everyone in green team who accumulated 952 team points. Blue team was in second position having accumulated 906 team points; red team was in third position having accumulated 776 team points and yellow team was in fourth position having accumulated 705 team points.

What we are looking forward to next week:

Year 1 phonics meeting - 9am Monday 13th March.

Year 1 phonics meetings - 9am and 1pm Tuesday 14th March.

Rashford Class visit to Deva Museum, Chester - Tuesday 14th March.

Nightingale Class - Spread the Happiness Day - Wednesday 15th March. 

Parks Class - Spread the Happiness Day - Friday 17th March.


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3rd March 2023

Ian Devereux-Roberts (IDevereux-Roberts) on: The Buzz

What's in the news:

Hoping that all school families had a lovely half term break.

Please note that parental conference letters have been sent home with the children today.

What's happened in school this week:

Year 2 had a fantastic trip to Weaver Ha ll learning about the Great Fire of London. They met a servant of Samuel Pepys called Jeremiah and heard about the account of the Great Fire of London and what firefighting techniques were used. The children had a go at working as a team to pass water up and down in buckets, bowls even cups from the River Thames. The children got to see and handle real and replica artefacts like a sprinkler, silver goblet, tig, pottery and a piece of waddle and daub from a house back in 1666. The children got to make their own fire mark out of coloured paper to bring back to school and a tussy mussy from lavender - which was used to keep houses smelling fresh back then as sewage was a problem. An excellent day all round with lots of historical learning taking place.

What a fabulous World Book Day we had on Thursday! We must start off by thanking all of our parents and carers for helping to ensure that the children looked so amazing for this very special day. The staff were astounded in our assembly to see so many wonderful book-inspired costumes. Following our World Book Day assembly, each class undertook a range of fun activities throughout the day - all based upon books of course! Our Key Stage Two children participated in the Premier League Footy and Booky Quiz, as well as a BBC Live lesson with the one and only Michael Rosen. Our younger children were book detectives and completed book-based 'Cahoot' quizzes, as well as guessed specific books from a range of practical clues. Nightingale Class were even lucky enough to have a live 'Zoom' call with author Emer Stamp, who loved sharing her stories and inspiring our young writers. Lots of classes had the opportunity to watch the David Walliams 'Story Spectacular' in the afternoon, during which we listened to him read from lots of his books. Naturally, lots of the day was also spent reading and listening to stories, which is what World Book Day is all about. Please check out our Twitter feed for more details and pictures from the day. We would also recommend using the link below for amazing free audiobooks that children of all ages will enjoy.

World Book Day Audiobooks
Welcome to World Book Day’s World of Stories, where you can bring story time to life with audiobooks of your favourite books FOR FREE.


3 teams of Year 5/Year 6 pupils took part in the @_FAVSP dodgeball festival at Frodsham Leisure centre on Thursday afternoon. 21 teams took part in totla with each team playing 6 matches. The focus, determination, teamwork and skills on display was really great to see. Super congratulations to the white team - Joseph K, Adam, Ella, Edie, Elliott M and Alfie; the blue team - Pearly, Jakob, Daisy, Innis, Jack J and George St; and the green team - Kayleigh, Grace, Noah, Bruce, Jayvin and Aidan. Our four dodgeball ambassadors - Lucie, Rose, Harley and Rohan - had responsibility for refereeing on pitch . They did and awesome job demonstrating their leadership skills. 

What's made me smile in school this week:

World Book Day can only but make me smile!

Head Teacher Awards:

Sophie E (Parks Class) for completing her reading bookmark.

Sophie E, Ruby and Isla (Parks Class) for their excellent golden pen compositions.

Olivia (Rashford Class) for her super flashback composition. 

Ted Ba, Emily D and Emily W (Attenborough Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Logan and Charlotte (Marvel Class) for completing their first reading bookmark.

Presentation Awards:

Kian (Parks Class) for his golden pen composition.

Our Celebration Assembly Superstars:

Cody (Marvel Class) for being kind and thoughtful; for being creative and for being an excellent police officer.

Zishan (Armstrong Class) for her love of reading; for her super memory and for being an organiser.

Taya (Attenborough Class) for her enthusiasm; for trying her best and for always being happy.

Jacob (Nightingale Class) for his super dialogue writing; for his growing confidence and for his super handwriting.

Hector (Rashford Class) for his times tables knowledge; for his super story writing skills and for being funny.

Edie (Parks Class) for her love of history; for her kindness and for her loyalty.

Rohan (Darwin Class) for his leadership skills; for his focus and for his super literacy skills.

Our 'Spread the Happiness' Superstars:

 The following children enjoyed a drink of hot chocolate and a biscuit, along with a chat with Mr Devereux-Roberts, as they were selected to receive the special 'Spread the Happiness' award this week:

Lily (Marvel Class) for always putting 100% into her work. 

James T (Armstrong Class) for his lovely spring poem

George B (Attenborough Class) for being such a kind, sensitive soul.

Olly (Nightingale Class) for his excitement and enthusiasm when talking about the book that inspired his world book day costume.

Molly (Rashford Class) for her beautiful tropical island painting and always leaving smiles for Mrs Jay on her work.

Max (Parks Class) for his bravery and confidence sharing new information with staff and friends in school.

Innis (Darwin Class) for his enthusiasm in contributing to class discussions.

Happy Birthday:

In our Assembly we congratulated and signed Happy Birthday to Tilly O, Niamh and Joshua M. If you have celebrated your birthday this week then many happy returns from us too!

Dine with a Friend Friday:

The following children, with a friend, had the opportunity to sit at the special table in the school hall to enjoy their lunch on Friday:

 George (Marvel Class); Samson (Armstrong Class); Alby (Attenborough Class); Heeya (Nightingale Class); Albie (Rashford Class); Kian (Parks Class) and George  (Darwin Class).

Winning House Team:

The winning team this week was Coniston - congratulations to everyone in red team who accumulated 1229 team points. Yellow team was in second position having accumulated 1012 team points; green team was in third position having accumulated 765 team points and blue team was in fourth position having accumulated 761 team points.

What we are looking forward to next week:

The headship appointment process being completed - Tuesday 7th March and Wednesday 8th March.

Year 1 Mini-kickers football tournament - Thursday 9th March - Helsby High School.

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17th February 2023

Ian Devereux-Roberts (IDevereux-Roberts) on: The Buzz

Our Celebration Assembly Superstars:

Jonella (Marvel Class) for her music skills.

Kamran (Armstrong Class) for his energy, enthusiasm and for his super geogrpahy skills 

Ted Bl (Attenborough Class) for his PE skills and his times tables recall. 

George (Nightingale Class) for his super maths skills and his ability to encourage others.

Robyn (Rashford Class) for her kind and caring nature; for her confidence and for being hardworking.

Sophie O (Parks Class) for her bravery and her growing confidence in swimming.

Maya (Darwin Class) for her growing confidence; for her kindness and her super maths workk.

Our 'Spread the Happiness' Superstars:

The following children enjoyed a drink of hot chocolate and a biscuit, along with a chat with Mrs Levey, as they were selected to receive the special 'Spread the Happiness' award this week:

Logan (Marvel Class) for his kindness on Valentine's Day.

Joe (Armstrong Class) for his fabulous knowledge of human and physical features in Geography lessons and his eagerness to find out more.

Joshua G (Attenborough Class) for working well in a team building his dragon machine. 

 Abi (Nightingale Class) for her wonderful Stone Age story writing.

 Erica (Rashford Class) for her wonderful escape from Pompeii story.

Alfie (Parks Class) for his enthusiasm in languages club.

Joseph W-E (Darwin Class) for always making interesting contributions to class discussions.

Happy Birthday:

In our Assembly we congratulated and signed Happy Birthday to Jordie, Barnaby P and Frankie. If you have celebrated your birthday this week then many happy returns from us too!

Dine with a Friend Friday:

The following children, with a friend, had the opportunity to sit at the special table in the school hall to enjoy their lunch on Friday:

 Daisy (Marvel Class); Jacob (Armstrong Class); Rowan (Attenborough Class); Olly (Nightingale Class); Max (Rashford Class); Grace (Parks Class) and Rose (Darwin Class).

What we are looking forward to next week:

Half term break


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10th February 2023

Ian Devereux-Roberts (IDevereux-Roberts) on: The Buzz

What's in the news:

After a truly wonderful and emotional evening last Friday, I am able to share the results of 'Stars in their Eyes 23' event. Barnaby (Hugh Jackman) was declared the children's winner, with Isaac B (Amy Winehouse) as the best newcomer. Luciana (Dolly Parton) and Abi (Rachel Platten) took the 3rd place runner-up position, with Barnaby (Hugh Jackman) taking the 2nd place runner-up. The overall winner, as decided by the judges, was Bella performing as Lady GaGa. Wonderful performances from everyone who took part, including the dacne crew who performed a rountie to Jai Ho! We certianly raised the bar from previously thanks to wonderful lighting and sound - huge thank you to everyone for their support. As the Devereux-Roberts' fianl 'Stars in their Eyes', it was a truly wonderful evening and Mrs D-R, Ellie D-R and myself will miss being part of such a special evening celebrating the talents of the children here at school.

What's happened in school this week:


A squad of Year 5 basketball players - Sophie O, Sophie E, Sophie J, Annabel, Marnie, Edie, Jess and Ruby - took part in a FAVSP Festival this week. Competing against local schools, it was certainly end to end play. Although the squad did not win any of their matches they certainly demonstrated skill and resilience. Sophie E received a gold medal for being such a dedicated end to end player. Well done girls. I must also mention Marnie and Ruby, who along with five girls from other schools created an additional team. They demonstrated great resilience and skill too.

Armstrong Class were on the hunt for a missing book monster on Thursday morning this week. They used their excellent map skills to follow the clues to various places around Frodsham. Thankfully the book monster was found in the lost property at Frodsham library.


Mrs Anstice worked with the classes this week as part of Children's Mental Health week. Exploring emotions was a big part of her work with the children.

What's made me smile in school this week:

The search for book monster has made me smile this week - what a mischief they are!

Head Teacher Awards:

Nate (Attenborough Class) for completing his reading bookmark.

Amelia, Luciana and Sammuel (Rashford Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Olly, Ella and Phoebe (Nightingale Class) for completing the 5 book reading challenge this term.

Aidan (Parks Class) for his accuracy when comparing and ordering fractions.

Ava (Armstrong Class) for her lovely pizza design.

Jack (Armstrong Class) for working so well with Emily the physio. 

Alfie (Parks Class) for completing his reading bookmark.

Dara (Darwin Class) for completing his reading bookmark.

French award - Pearl (Darwin Class) for the amazing amount of xp points she got on duolingo in language club.

Barnaby, Sophie, Olivia and Casper (Rashford Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Nathan (Rashford Class) for amazing maths work this week understanding two digit numbers.

Ckara, Vade, Oscar and Jenson (Nightingale Class) for complting the 5 book challenge.

Our Celebration Assembly Superstars:


William  (Marvel Class) for his growing confidence; for being amazibg at supersonic phonics and for making really good predictions in science. 

Jessica (Armstrong Class) for being a happy, kind and bubbly member of year 1: for always being ready to give a big hug and for her amazing diary entry.

Cosmo (Attenborough Class) for his wide imagination and creative ideas; for his kindness and for being able to say the three basic items you need to survive.  

Ckara (Nightingale Class) for being an excellent team player; for being caring and thoughtful and for her determination. 

Imogen (Rashford Class) for being always keen to take notes; for her excellent diary entry and for working hard in maths.

Rachel (Parks Class) for being amazing in French lessons; for her creativity in literacy and for bringing fun to every lesson.

Jacob (Darwin Class) for always being eager to help; for being a maths whizz and working hard in literacy lessons. 

Our 'Spread the Happiness' Superstars:

The following children enjoyed a drink of hot chocolate and a biscuit, along with a chat with Mr Devereux-Roberts, as they were selected to receive the special 'Spread the Happiness' award this week:

Ayda (Marvel Class) for always being so kind and caring to those around her.

 Lucas (Armstrong Class) for his excellent maths work on number bonds to 20. 

Jessie (Attenborough Class) for always greeting the staff with the loveliest smile each morning.

Alice (Nightingale Class) for her super work on the grid method in maths.

 Max (Rashford Class) for great work in maths this week calculating area. 

 Jaxon (Parks Class) for his growing enthusiasm for writing.

 Layla (Darwin Class) for oersevering even when feeling poorly.

Happy Birthday:

In our Assembly we congratulated and signed Happy Birthday to Lucas R, Jenson, Chloe and Jake. If you have celebrated your birthday this week then many happy returns from us too!

Dine with a Friend Friday:

The following children, with a friend, had the opportunity to sit at the special table in the school hall to enjoy their lunch on Friday:

Ivy (Marvel Class); Nathan (Armstrong Class); Scott (Attenborough Class); Mia (Nightingale Class); Henry (Rashford Class); Ellie (Parks Class) and Aysha (Darwin Class).

Winning House Team:

The winning team this week was Penrith - congratulations to everyone in blue team who accumulated 355 team points. Green team was in second position having accumulated 353 team points; yellow team was in third position having accumulated 343 team points and red team was in fourth position having accumulated 315 team points.

What we are looking forward to next week:

Solar panels being fitted on the school roof.

New beginnings writing workshop - Darwin Class - Monday 13th February.

Mexican Day - Spread the Happiness - Parks Class - Monday 13th February. 

Big Street Survey - Darwin Class - Tuesday 14th February.

Break for half term - Friday 17th February 2023.

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3rd February 2023

Ian Devereux-Roberts (IDevereux-Roberts) on: The Buzz

What's in the news:

The first stage of the recruitment for your new headteacher here at school will close on the 8th February - this the date for the receipt of applications. Mrs Bedford has spent a number of sessions over the last two weeks showing prospective applicants around school.

What's happened in school this week:

Nightingale Class had a wonderful day at Delamere Forest on Thursday with Ranger Vicky. Lots of teamwork, cooperation and perseverance required in order to build wonderful shelters. In the afternoon the children enjoyed making birds' nests, identifying birds and having forest fun!


Friday morning saw our 'Stars in their Eyes 2023' performers share their talents with the rest of the school. As always the morning was a wonderful experience, with all the performers performing superbly. Having watched all the acts the children then voted on their favourite. The winner of the children's vote will be shared this evening once all the acts have performed in front of an excited audience. Results to shared next week! I wish all the acts the best of luck this evening. 

What's made me smile in school this week:

The support and encouragement the children gave to the artists performing in 'Stars in their Eyes 2023' made me smile greatly this morning.

Head Teacher Awards:

Joseph (Nightingale Class) for his super problem solving skills in maths - < >cand =.

Emily B (Marvel Class) for her super use of the part whole model in maths.

Bethia (Attenborough Class) for completing her reading bookmark.

Abi (Rashford Class) for completing her reading bookmark. 

Erica (Rashford Class) for completing her reading bookmatk.

Luca, Rosa, Sophie, George, Rohan, Maya and Joseph (Darwin Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Kian (Parks Class) for his accuracy in converting improper fractions into mixed number fractions.

Ella (Parks Class) for completing her reading bookmark.

Logan, Cody, Jonella, Faith, Kayla and Alfie S (Marvel Class) for their antastic letters and sounds work.

Ayda (Marvel Class) for her fabulous phonics work.

Megan, George, Sophie, Charlotte, Emily B, Lilly and Eleanor (Marvel Class) for their amazing independent reading. 

Top Doodler - Edie (Parks Class)

Seren (Marvel Class) for her awesome scientific investigation skills.

Thomas and Emily T (Marvel Class) for completing their first reading bookmarks.

Lewis, James P, Lucas, Nathan, Niamh, Maisy, Arabella and Elizabeth (Armstrong Class) for completing their reading bookmarks.

Jacob (Armstrong Class) for his amazing reading and tricky word recognition.

 Our 'Spread the Happiness' Superstars:

The following children enjoyed a drink of hot chocolate and a biscuit, along with a chat with Mr Devereux-Roberts, as they were selected to receive the special 'Spread the Happiness' award this week:

Kayla (Marvel Class) for her super letters and sounds work.

Maisy (Armstrong Class) for being a wonderful, honest friend to everyone. 

Taya (Attenborough Class) for showing enthusiasm across class dragon text and coming up with good ideas this week in literacy.

Ella (Nightingale Class) for being a fantastic team member during shelter building in the forest and showing great cooperation skills.

Henry (Rashford Class) for his excellent drawing of the coliseum.  

Reuben (Parks Class) for always trying his hardest and his enthusiasm in literacy.

Daisy (Darwin Class) for her enthusiasm with maths.

Happy Birthday:

In our Assembly we congratulated and signed Happy Birthday to George T, Joey, Emily D, Maisy and Arabella. If you have celebrated your birthday this week then many happy returns from us too!

Dine with a Friend Friday:

The following children, with a friend, had the opportunity to sit at the special table in the school hall to enjoy their lunch on Friday:

Megan  (Marvel Class); Hannah (Armstrong Class); Ted Ba (Attenborough Class); Phoebe (Nightingale Class); Imogen (Rashford Class); George (Parks Class) and Layla (Darwin Class).

Winning House Team:

The winning team this week was Coniston - congratulations to everyone in red team who accumulated 495 team points. Yellow team was in second position having accumulated 420 team points; green team was in third position having accumulated 372 team points and blue team was in fourth position having accumulated 240 team points.

What we are looking forward to next week:

Lion King Auditions - Year 5 and Year 6 - Monday 6th February.

Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 7th February.

Rashford Class Assembly - Wednesday 8th February @ 9am.

Digital Wizards Assembly - KS2 - Wednesday 8th February @ 2pm.

Change4Life training - 2 x Year 5 Ambassadors - Wednesday 8th February.

Armstrong Class - Frodsham walk - Thursday 9th February.

FAVSP - Girls Basketball tournament - Year 5 squad - Thursday 9th February.

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