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Mrs Levey is our curriculum lead for Art. 

“Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.”

-The National Curriculum in England: Key stages 1 and 2 Framework Document. September 2013

Our Intent for our Art Curriculum at Frodsham Manor House

At Frodsham Manor House we believe that art lessons should give children the opportunity to develop their creativity and imagination. In lessons, children not only develop their art skills but also have the opportunity to express themselves, their feelings and their individuality through art. By the time children leave school, we aim for children to not only have developed an enjoyment of using a range of art materials, but to also have developed an appreciation of some of the great artists.

The Implementation of our Art Curriculum at Frodsham Manor House

Our school focusses on children becoming aware of different artists and developing their own skills through the use of sketch pads and final pieces of artwork. Children use sketchbooks throughout their time at school to record and develop their ideas. This allows them to develop skills of experimenting with different ideas and techniques and evaluating their own work, with the opportunity to revisit their ideas. Our children’s artwork is celebrated throughout school, with displays in classrooms and around school, with children developing pride in their own artwork and achievements.

During their time at Manor House, children focus on developing nine key skill areas: drawing, digital media, 3D design, painting, printing, textiles and collage ensuring they cover a range of these in each year group. In addition to this, they build their skills in exploring and evaluating artistic ideas and are given opportunities to study the work of famous artists in every year group. Please refer to additional documents for progression of skills we look for in each year group. As well as developing these key skill areas, children also have many opportunities to show their art skills in other curriculum areas such as history. 

Throughout their time at school, children also have the opportunity to work with different external artists who come in and run workshops with the children.

The Impact of our Art Curriculum at Frodsham Manor House

As a result of our art curriculum, children will have experience in producing and evaluating their own creative work and will have developed their artistic skills in drawing, digital media, 3D design, painting, printing, textiles and collage. They will also have an awareness of artists they have studied during their time at school, being able to draw on these experiences to influence their own ideas. Children will also be able to use art to express themselves and their feelings.


Additional opportunities for art include working with artists in residence, art workshops with other local schools, Christmas Tree Festival and Advent Boxes, Photography workshop, International Projects, Fair Trade. We also have a Key Stage One and two art and craft club during different terms. 

Below you can find documents relating to the teaching of Art at Frodsham Manor House. 

 Art Policy 2023.pdfDownload
 Art Progression Of Skills.docxDownload
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