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Cheshire Schools


The Cheshire Schools Award is organised by Trinity Mirror in association with Excell Supply and open to all  schools (primary, secondary, special) across Cheshire West and Cheshire East. It is always a great priviledge to make it through to the final for any of the award categories. Once through to the final you are invited to a formal dinner in Chester where the winners are then announced. It is always a great afternoon spent with staff and pupils from other shortlisted schools.

In our entrance hall you will see quite a few Cheshire Awards including;

Primary School of the Year (Winner) For everything that we do with the community, our special curriculum weeks, international links, music, forest schools etc

School in the Community (Winner and Runner Up)  for leading many community projects both locally and internationally, leading events for other schools, charitable fundraising and helping to organise large scale events like Frodsham Christmas Festival. 

Head Teacher (Winner) for Mr Devereux-Roberts leadership within our own school, links with Claire House, support for other school leaders and support for his own family.

Special Project (Runner Up) for international partnership with Living Star and fundraising for their pupils to visit us.

Communication (Runner Up) for our website which has over 250 pages now and our communication strategies including Twitter.