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Pupil Voice          

The Pupil Voice is at the heart of everything we do at Manor House, organising events, implementing curricular and extra curricular opportunities and helps to develop motivated, confident individuals. 

The School Council are elected by class members each September. There are representatives from years 1 upwards with extras from Year 6 due to their particular roles.

Miss Fiddler is our teacher advisor for the school council and after meetings we report to Mr Devereux-Roberts to make our suggestions. Have a look at our display outside Mr D-R's room and feel free to come and talk to us about any worries or bright ideas.

We also have a team of Play Leaders in Year 5. They are on a rota to lead games and activities at  lunch times for younger children and also assist with local sporting events.

We also have Literacy, RE, Sports, Health Ambassadors, Fair Traders and Road Safety Officers who help out at a range of events throughout the year and promote their own areas..

Our Pupil Leadership Team (Ambassadors) is decided by letters of application and interviews. This team often represent the school at different events and show visitors around on open days. The Pupil Leadership team consists of 4 members of Year 6.

Junior Mayors of Frodsham We are on a rota with other local schools to provide two junior mayors from Years 5/6 who take up a range of civic duties within the town.  These are selected by writing a letter and a staff vote.

All pupils in school are split into 4 teams named after lakes in the Lake District (also our local road names). There is a  Captain and Deputy for each team. We all work towards gaining team points for our teams. These roles are selected by colour team votes following speeches to the teams.