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Remote Learning 

We are using the Seesaw app to set work during any period of remote learning during 2020/21 for when whole classes (or the whole school) is learning remotely. All children have individual passwords to engage with their class teacher and teaching assistant. They can share videos, photographs of work and receive feedback through the app. The staff will be uploading videos of their teaching here for children to watch and learn alongside. We will also have twice weekly assemblies and a weekly Celebration Assembly on Zoom and will use Zoom for class meetings and key stage storytimes. If you need support with accessing any of our remote learning provision please email or ring school.

A week or remote learning (or learning in school for Critical Workers or Vulnerable) will include;

  • A range of Maths and Literacy Tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw on different days of the week for pupils to work on during that day. These may include films recorded by the class teacher who maybe demonstrating a strategy for you to use
  • At the start of the week you will be allocated three tasks by your class teacher which you can decide when to work on. One of these will be a science activity with the other two being topic based 
  • You will have two weekly 'get active' links for your health and fitness
  • You will have a class reading book through Bug Club with specific activities to complete (these will run for 2 or 3 weeks)
  • Spellings will be uploaded and you will have a weekly 'Spelling Quiz'
  • You will have a learning activity set by Mrs Anstice which will be a class RE task or a whole school PSHE wellbeing activity
  • You can also access Bug Club, Doodle Maths, Doodle Tables, Doodle English and Times Table Rockstars to challenge yourself further.

Families self isolating at home when school is fully open will have work set by the class teacher which maybe through email or Seesaw. You can also request paper copies to be posted out. 


Below there are some posters of activity challenges you may enjoy. If you hover over the tab for Remote Learning (to your left if on a computer or laptop) you will also find pages for well being and useful internet links if you would like more ideas. 

Pupils who need to self isolate (when school is open to all) will have work set by the class teacher.