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 Our History curriculum is designed in a way that children leave school with a wealth of knowledge on how times have changed across Britain and worldwide. History helps pupils to understand the process of change, the diversity of societies, as well as their own identity and the challenges faced. Our history curriculum will equip the children to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, shift arguments and develop perspective and judgment.

 We cover key skills, with a focus on progression throughout each year group building on prior knowledge. Class teachers are accountable and have autonomy in how they deliver historical concepts, although it is planned in a chronological order set out by the subject leader to provide coherence for pupils. We use creative and engaging ideas to inspire historical interest in children, with a want to find out more. Each year group has a progression map of key skills to embed throughout the school year. They key areas of learning in History are grouped as chronology, concepts, interpretation, enquiry and communication. The objectives set per year group are worked on throughout the year across each term.

Our Intent for our History Curriculum

Our History curriculum aims to give children the hands on experiences and enquiry skills to develop key knowledge about what has happened in the past and the impacts on Britain and the rest of the world.

Our Implementation for our History and World Views Curriculum

Our History lessons are based on a broader topic each half term, we carry out a broad and creative approach to learning about periods of time. Each unit of work is introduced as a topic approach with a link to cross curricular opportunities. Our curriculum is carefully planned in a chronological order so children are taught in a coherent manner. Our long term and medium term plans map out the skills and themes covered each term for each year group. These plans define what will be taught in line with the ‘National Curriculum’ however, we believe that lessons are delivered based on the children’s enquiries and what they would like to investigate further, providing skills to become true enquirers with broad knowledge of the world around us.

The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles and key principles but we believe children learn best when:

  • They have access to, and are able to handle artefacts.
  • They go on visits to museums of places of interest linked to topics.
  • They have access to secondary sources such as; non-fiction books and photographs.
  • Visitors to discuss first hand experiences of the past events.
  • They undertake fieldwork in locality.
  • They use drama and dance to act out historical events.
  • They are exposed and use key vocabulary linked to topics taught.
  • They are part of a school in which we celebrate historical events and memorials to give children opportunities to reflect on how past events can impact present day.

The Impact of our History Curriculum

Through our delivery and learning, children should be able to access key vocabulary to help them to discuss, recall knowledge and understand History both locally and the wider world with a passion for finding out more.

 Enrichment opportunities for history include  residential visits to Llandudno, France and Belgium, day visits to  a range of Museums, Beeston Castle. Roman Chester and London attractions.  Outdoor learning and living history days in school. We also welcome speakers to tell us about their experiences and often share historical artefacts from home. 


Mrs Kelly is our lead for History. 

Below you can find documents relating to the teaching of History at Frodsham Manor House. 

 History Policy 2023.pdfDownload
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