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Mrs Kelly is our curriculum leader for Geography.

Our Intent for our Geography Curriculum

Our geography curriculum is designed to equip pupils with the knowledge and understanding about diverse places, people and resources within natural and human environments. Pupils will develop their geographical skills in order to carry out effective geographical enquiries.


Our Implementation for our Geography Curriculum

Our geography lessons are based on big questions which are focussed on throughout the year. The curriculum is implemented either through a topic approach alongside Design & Technology, History and Art etc. or taught as a separate unit, depending on a teacher’s delivery. Pupils are given opportunities to lead their own lines of geographic enquiries and record their findings in a variety of ways. As well as completing work inside the classroom, field work is a key part of our geography curriculum and allows pupils to apply their geographical skills in real-life settings. In Key Stage 1, pupils investigate their local area and begin to learn about the wider world. In Key Stage 2, pupils investigate their local area and a contrasting area, finding out about the environment and the people who live there.

Class teachers deliver the geography curriculum throughout the year.


The Impact of our Geography Curriculum

Through our geography lessons, pupils should learn key vocabulary and be able to apply their geographical skills to a range of geographical enquiries. Specific skills will have been developed including:

  • Drawing and interpreting maps
  • Identifying geographical features
  • Formulating questions and developing research skills

Additional opportunities for Geography are through our Global Learning, International Links, Residential visits and lots of opportunities for learning in our school groups and in the local community. 

Below you can find documents relating to the teaching of Geography at Frodsham Manor House. 

 Geography Policy Feb 2023.pdfDownload
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